Bee raising and honey collecting in landscape painting
Natural honey source
江山健康蜂業擁有9大養蜂基地 / 500+養蜂場 / 1000+合作蜂農 / 52000+蜂群國家級生態示范區 \ 國家森林城市 \ 中國天然氧吧
9 standardized beekeeping demonstration bases / 500+ apiaries /1000+ cooperative bee farmers / 52000+ colonies of bees
高植被覆蓋率 · 珍稀動植物樂居于此,吸日月精華、沐四季雨露,純凈健康。
High vegetation coverage, heaven for creatures, absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, bathe in the rain and dew all the year round, pure and healthy.
Scientific management of bee farms
從蜂場選址、 蜂箱擺放、蜜蜂飼養到蜂農的生產生活等,對蜂產品產前、產中、產后進行全過程規范和控制,嚴把質量關。
In the whole process of pre-production, in-production and finished-production, we all take strict control and regulation from apiary base selection, hive location, bees raising to bee farmers living conditions, in order to focus on strict control on quality.